Sunday, August 3, 2014

pg. 9 My Freedom, Your Freedom by Prabhakar Sarma Neog

Freedom is my haritage
Gift of encestors my land my existence
My legecy.

Freedom is my mind, color of the sky                 
Protector of ambitions of my brotherhood                        
A call to soar like a bird
An open stage for all.

Freedom is a promise I gift you
The pleasure in sharing,
My freedom, your freedom, our freedom                      
Our oath, drive and destiny.                      



In “My Freedom, Your Freedom” Neog uses illustration throughout each stanza to generate the idea that freedom is embedded within him and he plans to share that with all and leave that as his legacy. In the first stanza he compares freedom to a gift, something he has received from his ancestors that he cherishes and must hold onto. Neog then proceeds to describe freedom with a more vivid description and use of imagery, “Freedom is my mind, color of the sky/ Protector of ambitions of my brotherhood/ A call to soar like a bird/ An open stage for all”. As he progresses to the third stanza, he expresses his need to share the freedom that he has obtained and strive with others by sharing freedom throughout the people. He not only illustrates his need to share that freedom but he includes the pleasure and fulfillment he gains from doing so, “The pleasure in sharing, /My freedom, your freedom, our freedom”. He uses simile and metaphor to exemplify what freedom truly means to him and the many opportunities freedom grants people, “A call to soar like a bird/An open stage for all”. The tone of the poem is generated by the ambitious and hopeful words of the author leading the reader to feel optimistic about freedom and its effect on people. This powerful message hits the readers because of the strength and power of the writing. It shines through in different ways, from the vivid imagery, to the clearly established tone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sir, Myself Prabhakar Sarma Neog, the author of this poem. I suddenly came across your website today, hope I am not too late in commenting.

    It is an honour and inspiration to see such a detailed analysis of my poem. Thank you for your kind gesture.

    In case you are interested, I may be contacted at
